Home to Home - New Beginnings for SeniorsHome to Home is care planning, care management and transition assistance business based in Vancouver, B.C.   We offer services to help seniors plan out their senior living options and facilitate lifestyle changes.  Our mission is to enable smooth transitions by offering expert and personal guidance in the facilitation of solutions as lifestyle changes occur.

Our care planning and care management services help seniors navigate the private and public senior living and healthcare systems.  Our planning efforts help our clients develop a “roadmap” to enable them to prepare for changes as life evolves.

Our transition services help seniors to make a smooth move and downsize into their new home, whether that be a seniors residence or an independent home.

Our care management services help family members who are busy or live out of town manage and monitor the ongoing care of their loves ones.

Our executor support services help executors in dealing with many aspects of handling estates, including inventory, appraisal, liquidation and distribution of assets to beneficiaries. Our expertise can make the process smoother and more manageable.

Expert Tips to Avoid Common Cane Slip-UpsWe found out that an estimated 50% of cane users make at least one common mistake. From choosing aesthetics over functionality to using a cane of incorrect height, these errors can seriously compromise safety and effectiveness. That’s 50% of all cane users!more
Overcoming Resistance: How to Help Aging Parents DownsizeAs our parents age, there often comes a time when downsizing or moving to a more manageable living situation becomes necessary. However, many seniors resist this change, creating a challenging situation for adult children. more