Author Archive

Preparing Your Home to Move

Are you thinking about moving? Preparing to change homes (and in some cases, lifestyles) is a major process, from finding a good real estate agent to staging a property. Depending on your energy levels and the schedules of family members, the prospect of moving as a senior citizen might seem especially daunting. Want to make…

A Beginner’s Guide to Medical Marijuana for Seniors

Have you considered medical marijuana for management of pain or other medical conditions? According to many reputable news outlets – like the New York Times and the Globe and Mail – a growing number of seniors are giving weed a go, using it to treat symptoms from conditions like arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and epilepsy.…

Stroke Awareness Month: A Chance to Keep Informed about Strokes

June is National Stroke Awareness Month, and as the month comes to a close, we have an opportunity to check in that we understand some of the risks, means of preventing, and signs/symptoms of a stroke, one of the top causes of death in Canada. Read on for a primer about this medical emergency.  …

Father’s Day’s Greetings, Events, and Facts

Happy (almost) Father’s Day! Ever wonder about the origins of our annual celebration of fatherhood? Read on to find out about the history behind the June 18th event, as well as some gift ideas and exciting ways to enjoy the day and/or reflect on your family history this coming weekend in Vancouver!   Origins of…

A Guide to Social Media: From Facebook to SnapChat

Previously in another blog post, we gave some reasons for seniors to get active on social media, like staying in touch with distant relatives and finding work or volunteer opportunities. Connecting on social media can also be a lot of fun, and a chance to play with young grand kids on their turf. Just ask…

Downsizing and Donating: Where to Give Used Items

Spring is the season for cleaning, so how about doing some downsizing? There are many benefits to cleaning out your closet, such as facilitating future moves, revisiting old memories, and making space for new articles to meet current and evolving needs.   There is another great benefit to downsizing: the opportunity to give items that…

Travel Destinations for Seniors

One of the luxuries of retirement living is having the time to explore places you have always dreamed of visiting, ideally with your family. Places like Hawaii, the Caribbean, California and Arizona are longstanding popular destinations, for seniors and people of all ages. With that in mind, long distance travel can be difficult to manage…

Meal Delivery Services in Vancouver

Do you love to eat but struggle to cook? At any age, but especially as we grow older, it can be challenging to shop for groceries, prepare healthy and tasty meals, and meet nutritional goals while juggling other priorities. Ordering out from a restaurant can be easy by contacting the restaurant directly or going through…

Spring Activities in Vancouver

The snowy weather is finally gone, so now is your chance to spend a little time outside for some fun spring activities. Need some inspiration for new outdoor events and places to try? Here are some suggestions for how to be a tourist in your own city!   Visit a New Neighbourhood Want to explore…

How Music Therapy Can Help Dementia

March is national Music Therapy Month! Music can not only improve your mood, but can also have therapeutic effects with treating Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, even in later stages of illness. Music therapy can benefit all sorts of people – across all age brackets and cognitive abilities. It has been used to treat…