Tips for a Healthy Prostate

Portrait of serious african american old man looking at camera

As men age, it is extremely common for the prostate to enlarge. In some cases, this develops into prostate cancer.

Even in cases where enlargement is benign, uncomfortable symptoms can surface including problems with urination (needing to go frequently, difficulty starting to urinate, or infection).

Healthy Diet

A diet rich in vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables (leafy greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts) have been shown to be beneficial for prostate health. Additionally, the following nutrients can help keep a healthy prostate.

  • Zinc – Found in Shellfish, red meat (which should be eaten in moderate amounts), wheat germ, and Sesame seeds
  • Vitamin C – Specifically vitamin C found in vegetables (not fruits) has been shown to help prevent enlarged prostates
  • Lycopene – An antioxidant most commonly tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, apricots, and papaya
  • Selenium – Tuna, herring, shellfish, and Brazil nuts
  • Beta-sitosterol – Most commonly found in Avocados, nuts, and seeds
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Found in fish (especially salmon) eggs, and nuts


It’s never too late to start. Some studies have shown exercise to be beneficial in warding off prostate cancer, and also help improve chances of morbidity after the diagnosis. Increased blood flow to the prostate is thought to be a contributing factor.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking increases all cancers, prostate cancer included. So put out that cigarette! If you think it’s too late to stop, think again. Studies suggest that even quitting for a short period of time can greatly increase your health. After just one year of quitting, you can decrease your risk of cancer by 50%.

Talk to Your Doctor about Prostate Screening

Depending on your risk factors and overall health, your doctor can help you determine the best course of action for screening. Guidelines for screening have been revised over the last few years, and screening has become very patient dependent. If you have a history of prostate cancer in your family, or are experience symptoms found here talk to your family doctor.
