What to Look for When Choosing Sunscreen

Protection solaire  du visage

Choosing a sunscreen can be challenging. You may be wondering what ingredients to look out for, or whether the sunscreen is strong enough.

Ultimately, a good sunscreen should provide protection from ultraviolet light from the sun. Ultraviolet light is made up of long wave ultraviolet light (UVA), and short wave ultraviolet light (UVB). It’s important that sunscreen protects against both. SPF ratings will tell you directly whether there is UVB protection. UVA on the other hand, can be a bit trickier to determine.

For UVB protection, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends SPF 30 for most users. This means that with proper application, users can theoretically spend 30 times longer in the sun than without it. There are, however, other factors at play. For example, most people do not use the amount required to gain the sunscreen’s full effect. Uneven application or sweating can also reduce the effectiveness. SPF ratings of 30 or higher are generally strong enough for people, when taking application habits into consideration.

For UVA protection, you need to check out the ingredients. UVA blocking ingredients vary from product to product and opinions differ on the safety of usage of these ingredients over long periods of time. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/6-scary-sunscreen-ingredients-and-6-safe-spf-products and http://www.webmd.com/beauty/sun/sunscreen-safety-labels-ingredients.

Applying Sunscreen

Keep in mind that even if a sunscreen says it’s “water-proof” or “sweatproof”, you will still need to reapply every few hours. Additives in sunscreen may make them adhere to the skin better, but you still need to be reapplying.

What you put on your skin is a personal choice. Most health experts agree that chemicals which have been used in sunscreen for many years are safe. For some people, mineral based sunscreens may be a more comfortable option. Choosing products can be tricky – but the more information you have, the better informed your decision will be.