Recently, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec endured a rather nasty spring storm that resulted in power outages in thousands of homes. The cascade effects of loss of heat resulted in several deaths as well.
This served as a reminder that lives and property are alway susceptible to the wrath of Mother Nature, unless we prepare ahead of time and storm-proof our home.
As seniors age, storms and inclement weather can become more of a worry. And rightly so. Not only do storms pose a potentially dangerous situation for seniors and care recipients, but they can also cause serious damage to a home that is not properly storm-proofed. Seniors and their caregiving families should take the necessary steps to ensure their homes are secure and safe during stormy or wintery weather, or even a thundersnow storm as recently demonstrated.
Here are some essential home maintenance tips for storm-proofing a home:
1. Check the Roof: Inspect the roof. Make sure the roof is in good condition and free of any debris, such as tree branches, leaves, and other debris that could be blown into the roof during a storm. Also look for any missing or damaged shingles that need to be replaced. Don’t forget to clear your gutters too. If you are unable to inspect the roof yourself, it’s best to hire a professional roofer to do the job.
2. Secure Windows and Doors: Storm-proofing windows and doors is essential for keeping your home safe. Make sure all windows and doors are securely shut and locked when not in use. Install storm shutters or window clings to protect windows from strong wind and debris. Additionally, repair or replace any worn or damaged door and window seals. This gives seniors peace of mind and helps them remain safe as inclement weather approaches.
3. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim trees and shrubs around your home to reduce the chances of damage from falling branches during a storm. Inspect nearby trees for signs of disease or damage, and have them removed if necessary. Additionally, you can enlist the help of a professional to ensure your home is safe and secure.
Seniors can prepare for or prevent floods during a storm by taking proactive steps such as: adding sandbags around their home or property to help keep floodwaters away; elevating valuable items such as furniture, appliances, and electronics to higher ground (with help, of course); clearing debris from gutters, storm drains, and other drainage systems; and stocking up on emergency supplies such as food, water, and flashlights in case of an emergency. Also, seniors can stay informed about their local weather and flood watch warnings, and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.
By following these essential home maintenance tips, seniors and their loved ones can make sure their homes are safe and secure during stormy weather. Storm-proofing your home can help protect against damages, as well as keep you and your loved ones safe. Essential home maintenance tips for senior care and elder care include things like checking the roof, cleaning gutters and downspouts, trimming trees, and securing and locking windows and doors. Caregivers should also make sure that seniors have a plan in place in case of an emergency.
Proper preparation can help seniors stay safe and secure in the event of a storm. Researching the most effective storm proofing measures, consult with a professional, and follow all safety guidelines, and seniors can rest easy knowing that their homes are ready for whatever Mother Nature may bring.
Tags: aging, eldercare, home safety, seniors