How Seniors Can Help with the Move, even if they can’t lift a box.

It’s not easy moving out of a home in general.  But for seniors who’ve occupied their homes for decades, it’s a very emotional time.  Downsizing to any kind of smaller home can be made difficult when seniors are fighting every step of the way.  Things are made even more complicated if the senior has mobility issues and as a result, frustrations can bubble up.  

Feeling like they’ve lost all control, the situation can be made easier by giving the senior a starring role in the move and making them feel some control again.

How Seniors Can Make the Moving Process Easier

There are a few ways that seniors can help with the transition between homes.  Depending on their cognitive and mobility capabilities, a senior can help make the moving process easier by:

  • Start planning and thinking about the move early.  Every downsizing involves parting with things that may have been in the home for years if not decades and many people underestimate the amount of time needed to make decisions.  Leaving those decisions too long imposes stress on everyone involved.   For example, pick the move date and book the movers early.  Start thinking about categorizing the home contents based on what is to be moved, sold, donated, given to family, etc.
  • Create a sorting system for the helpers.  Depending on physical capabilities, have your senior set up with boxes for things to keep, donate, store or dump. Also, if there are things to be sold, label those and consider how you wish to sell them (get some advice if needed).   It’s exhausting sorting through an entire life of possessions, so this one may require the help of friends, family, or hired professionals to help go through items.  Some great places to donate your possession and gently used clothing and textiles are:
  • Value Village
  • GoodWill
  • Salvation Army
  • Label the boxes well as to what specific room each box should go into – this will help the movers a lot.  Make lists – a great way to keep the memory sharp!  Make a checklist for tasks that have to be done before the move day, such as change of address notifications to phone, TV, and internet providers, and a checklist of tasks to be done on the move day itself.  

Some other great tasks that seniors can do to help with the move are:

  • Arrange for cleaning of the former home after the move-out and if needed, the new home to prepare for the move-in 
  • Gathering valuables such as jewelry and setting aside for someone to pack/or pack yourself
  • Consolidating medication and putting it in a carry-on for easy transport and access. Keep this bag with you on the move day along with other essential items such as your wallet, reading glasses, passport, etc. 

Need help with the move?

We offer downsizing and moving assistance!  Every senior’s move is unique; that’s why we develop an individualized plan and timeline to ensure that your move is as flawless as possible.

Reach out to us today and let’s talk.

Tel: 604-739-8080

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