Heart Health for Seniors

February is Heart Health Month, making it the perfect time to focus on cardiovascular wellness for seniors. At Home to Home, we understand that overall wellness involves not just finding the right living arrangements and care services, but also embracing lifestyle choices that support long-term health.

Recent Senior Living Trends: Planning for Your Next Chapter

We work closely with seniors and their families every day, helping them navigate the complexities of senior living options. Here are some important trends we’re seeing that can help you make informed decisions about the next chapter of your life or that of your loved one.

Fall Prevention Strategies: Essential Components of a Senior Care Plan

With a compassionate approach and expert guidance, you can provide the best possible care and protect your loved ones from the potential hazards of falls.

What’s Involved with ElderCare Planning?

Elder care planning can be quite overwhelming, especially in the beginning stages.  One may have to learn how to navigate the private and public health care systems, and evaluate what type of housing or home care services are available and what resources are best for the senior. Here’s a way to start….

Pre-Diabetes Management

Diabetes is becoming increasingly common. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, 29% of people are affected by either diabetes or pre-diabetes in their lifetime. As we age, we are also more likely to be diagnosed. This week, we discuss what pre-diabetes is and what you can do to prevent pre-diabetes from turning into Type 2…

Quitting Smoking

Changing lifestyles can be difficult for anyone at any age, but quitting for older folks can present a unique set of challenges. Sometimes we think to ourselves “I’m too old for that” – the same may go for smoking. Perhaps you’ve tried to quit before. Perhaps you’ve been smoking for so long, it’s become habitual…

Protecting Senior Skin from Winter Damage

As we age, we become increasingly prone to skin issues such as eczema, flaking and even skin cancers. A little sunshine is good for us, especially during the winter time where it seems so scarce. But during those winter months, it’s important to remember that UV rays can still peak through the clouds and do…